Day: February 9, 2007

More Experimenting With the f-stop

Hey, we’re having a heat wave here! It actually got up to 20 degrees F this afternoon and the sun came out! I took this photo when I was shoveling this morning and it was still very chilly out – brrrr!!!2007-02-09 015_sm

The wind chill and snow need to catch up with the idea that it needs to warm up soon!

Using my ever patient model who never needs a break, I tested the various f-stop settings on my camera found in the AV mode so I can actually start getting this f-stop thing. I took a set of black and white photos, then a set of sepia photos. And I told Mon@rch I took different photos of the same thing with different f-stop settings, and he helped me understand what is going on! Thanks Mon@rch! I’m not going to tell more of the details yet, because I’m still working on understanding more details.

f-stop at 2.8 (the lowest number f-stop my camera can achieve). Think of the human iris outside in darkness letting in as much light as possible by have the largest diameter it can. My camera’s iris was letting in the most light it could here:


f-stop at 4 – camera is letting in less light:

f-stop at 6.3 – letting in even less light, making the photo darker:

f-stop at 8 (the highest f-stop on my camera) and the darkest photo of all. Here the camera is letting in the least amount of light it can. Like the human iris in light is at the smallest diameter it can get. Get it? Me too!


I did a tighter f-stop test with the sepia mode. Here’s f-stop at 5


f-stop at 5.6

f stop at 6.3

There’s much more to this, but I have to take things apart and study them by themselves, so I can start putting them together to get an, ah, complete picture. Today was my day to understand f-stop in the daytime. And thanks to Mon@rch’s help, I have my next tests to perform.

Here’s some tracks in the snow leading to the silver maple. I noticed the same tracks in the neighbor’s yard too, leading to their trees:

And here’s a closer view: