Niagara Falls, NY – Jan 2, 2006

Since it is raining today, and even though I’ve seen tons of birds dancing around in the rain and puddles, I haven’t captured any photos today. So I’m going back in my photo archives.

We went to Niagara Falls on New Year’s Day to see Aretha Franklin, The Queen of Soul, at the Seneca Niagara Casino which is on the New York side of Niagara Falls. She was awesome! I love her singing, I love her in the Blues Brothers movies, she is one of the best! Note: Cigarette / cigar smoking is allowed in all Indian Casinos in New York State. I felt crummy from inhaling the second hand smoke.

On January 2, 2006, the day was very overcast, I didn’t bring my camera (don’t ask me why) so I used my cell phone camera (not so good) to take some photos of Niagara Falls. Here is the Niagara River as we are crossing the bridge to Goat Island. Let me just say, it is very scary crossing that bridge on foot with all of that water rushing underneath you!


Here’s the Niagara River right after the bridge:


Here’s a shot of Luna Island and the American Falls from the Goat Island overlook. Note that we couldn’t walk down the stairs to Luna Island because it was thick with ice:

Here’s another photo of the American Falls and Luna Island:


Here’s the Horseshoe Falls from Goat Island. Note that you don’t get to see the entire falls from this vantage point, but it is v-e-r-y s-c-a-r-y seeing all of that water dumping over the falls:


And here’s another photo of the Horseshoe Falls still from Goat Island showing the ice build-up:


The poor trees along both falls have thick ice on their bark. It is all so scary to me! Water is just so powerful. I want to go back there some time when the weather is nice. Goat Island has the most diverse plant material in all of New York State. And I would like to walk down to Luna Island so I can get even more scared. Shoot, who needs fast roller coaster rides at an amusement park – just go to Niagara Falls. That is scary enough to me!

4 thoughts on “Niagara Falls, NY – Jan 2, 2006

  1. We went to Niagara when I was about 8 or so, and boy, was I impressed. But then, going over to the Canadian side and seeing Niagara from that perspective, I actually got all floaty-headed.

  2. Hi Susan, Floaty-headed is a good way of putting it. I got that way crossing the river and walking around on Goat Island – what kept going through my head is what is keeping that island from just being pushed over the edge by all that water. I can’t imagine getting down closer to the falls by being on Luna Island. I’ll have to be really brave that day. Being that close would make some awesome photos.

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