Cool Stuff Happening Around My Home!

Yesterday when I woke up at 5:30 the light coming into my house was a really pretty orange (my favorite color)! Before I hopped into the shower to get ready for work I went out to the kitchen to get a drink of water and lookie what I saw out the window! A lucky Friday the 13th rainbow!

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(The spots on the window are rain, honest)!  Once again I was limited on how much of this rainbow I could capture, but it sure was pretty!

Fast forward to today. I was working around my house, and had to go to the bathroom, and I looked out the window to see a lot of splish splashing at the bird bath. A Baltimore Oriel had just taken a bath and was fluffing its feathers on the Rose of Sharon. I took this photo through the screen and from far away, so it’s lousy, but it was fun to see so many birdies taking their baths today! (I wish I had seen the Baltimore Oriel taking its bath)!

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When I went to take the garbage out and get the mail, this little guy was hanging on the side of my house:

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Then I saw my yellow lilies are in blossom:

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And my Echinacea is blossoming, too, even though something ate them all down earlier! Yay for the butterflies and later the chickadees!

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One of my favorite herbs of all time is lavender – I simply adore the smell of fresh lavender:

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This thistle is in blossom in my backyard:

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I don’t give a crap if the neighbors don’t like this type of stuff, it’s my yard, and there are always tons of birdies hanging out in my back yard. In fact the birdies get pissed when I come out to take photos!

Of course I had to capture a photo of this little orange flower!

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I was going to go to a new to me state park today, but I’m glad I ran errands and then stayed home and worked around here so I could see the things that go on when I’m at work!

12 thoughts on “Cool Stuff Happening Around My Home!

  1. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy this time of year. Your flowers look beautiful. The color on Baltimore Orioles is so striking. When I see one I yell out loudly without regard. (We don’t see too many here in town so I get a little too excited when I see one.)

  2. Love your hairstreak photo when taking out the trash! And a Rainbow, very cool for friday the 13th (yet alone anytime ever)! So many colors for sure!

  3. A rainbow on Friday the 13th must be some sort of an omen.

    Every evening I inspect and explore around the house and always find clues of what happened while I was gone. I can always tell when a squirrel has been to the feeder as they are empty!

    And who gives a hoot what the neighbors think? Not me! Our feeder station is on our property line and I sometimes wonder if they care about all of the bird crap in the area. Oh, well.

  4. Well, you had a good Friday the 13th! I didn’t know it was the 13th until late in the day. My cone flower isn’t even blooming yet. What is that little orange flower at the bottom of the post?

  5. Life is good in our own backyard!
    I too enjoy the Orioles, they are so pretty.
    You had all kinds of grand sightings.

  6. Gee. This is all so pretty. If I HAD to choose a favorite picture . . . . Nope can’t, but the rainbow and coneflower are right at the top. And I’ll tell you what: Life is good when you can ‘bird’ from the pot :0)

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